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I don’t tell my mom something because I know she’ll overreact
She finds out, we argue for several hours. She’s upset that I didn’t tell her, I didn’t tell her because she’d get upset. Nothing much changes
Spend the next day or two keeping our distance from each other
Return to normal, only she keeps bringing up the subject in unhelpful ways and expressing concern over things I have given my answer about multiple times. This makes me even more reluctant to tell her about things
Return to step 1
Shit’s exhausting. I like living with her well enough most of the time and it’s cheaper for both of us but every so often we go through this cycle and it makes me want to move out.
It was tough for me to fully process the fact that my mom isn’t capable of providing the emotional support I need. I love her but talking to her about how I feel is never productive, so instead I focus on trying my damnedest to be nice to her even when I feel like shit.
I’m not always successful.
EDIT: It’s not like she doesn’t try, and she is reading up on some books my older brother told her to read regarding our ADHD. She’s getting better. And she was never abusive or malicious, just… didn’t quite know how to handle me.
I was very quiet and helpful as a kid so my stepmom constantly threatened me with military school, blamed me for her Lupus flare ups, and kept telling me she was afraid I was going to murder her because I was quiet.
Baby boomer milf baby boomer milf
found another one of my alts
hope things are better these days :meow-hug:
Haha yeah :yea: this hits home as a millennial too. It’s turned into “Why do you never visit/ call us?”
family constantly makes fun of me and everyone not present at get-togethers
Why don’t you come over more often?
I never understood the desire to gossip about people unless it’s about complete strangers who will never appear again.
Everyone in my family is constantly engaged in gossip that’s often slanderous about other family members. “Why would anyone date [cousin]? She’s fat! He’s probably trying to get a citizenship.” Then they’ll turn around and smile and pretend to be friendly during parties. It’s disgusting.
I have a cousin who I don’t like, but I don’t talk about it with anybody. He’s changed his appearance drastically and my brother one day just starts talking to me while I’m trying to study. “Hey you talked to [cousin] lately? He’s fat huh?” I reply with “heh, yeah” and go back to studying. Then he keeps going on about how he’s fat or weird looking. I guess this is their idea of bonding lol.
All in all, i don’t ask them about their lives or tell them anything about mine unless they keep asking. And even then I’ll keep information about my life to a minimum. Several times I’ve overheard them talking shit about me because I’m quietly sitting in the other room and they think I’m somewhere else lol. Then when they realize I was there the whole time they’ll just try to laugh it off and say something like “oh we’re so bad! We keep talking bad about you!”
Mine consistently do racist, transphobic and sexist shit specificly to “trigger” me, get mad when I politely tell them to stop or gentley make fun of them for it, blame me for ruining their fun, and then wonder why I never want to hang out.
Like mother fucker don’t dish out what you can’t handle lmao.
Aren’t baby boomers like 90 now? It’s the only Millennials and Gen X ers that grew up in the 80s and 90s that are the new parent group. The boomers are like great grandparents