it’s like in US academia lol
White studies whites shit: authority, canon
White studies non-white shit: oh wow, how interesting! how did you get into this thing? What is your life’s story?!
Non-white studies white shit: lol who are you
Non-white studies wrong non-white shit (e.g., a Black person studying Middle Eastern literature): hmm … have you ever thought about studying your own shit?
Non-white studies correct non-white shit: lol of course you’re just mooching off your heritage can you be any more cliché? Also you are clearly gonna be biased/subjective in your work unlike the white people studying the same thing
Non-white studies white shit: lol who are you
Non-white studies white shit: we have to because that’s the only way to survive
“Sure your research on the network of musicians across 6th to 8th century northern India, Central Asia, and China using such plethora of sources in Sanskrit, Tocharian, Old Uyghur, and Classical Chinese is marvelously impressive. But here’s the real question we are concerned: can you teach Beethoven’s late quartets?”
white person studies STEM: young Johnatheign is making smart decisions about his future by studying practical subjects! :jordan-eboy-peterson: :so-true:
asian person studies STEM: you see the asiatic brainpan and conformity to strict social pressures, :very-intelligent:
black or hispanic person studies STEM: another fricken diversity scholarship! :angery: :frothingfash:
I shocked the patrons and staff of a fancy French restaurant by riding my bike inside the restaurant, smoking indoors and just going “Le baguette! Sacre bleu croissant! Hon hon hon!” over and over again. Which I’m sure we can all agree is speaking perfect French.
Bellowing “la racisme” and “la pedophilie” at the waiter, then looking around at everyone expecting them to clap.
I should do one of these that’s “White guy goes to taco truck, speaks broken Spanish, accidentally speaks French instead, and says ‘no picante por favor. poco picante’. Patrons and staff shocked!”
White guy orders in perfect Chinese, confuses patrons and staff at French restaurant.