Can’t link to tweets bc they deleted their account, admittedly could just be a psyop by someone who hates the patsocs to make them look bad, but still very funny
CWs for the archive full of reactionary things just linking to show account was real
someone archived it so the account was real :data-laughing:
One of their tweets are
Poor people work less than wealthy people but have more free time. Poverty is a choice.
Gender/Race wage gap is a statistical myth.
Cope. Seethe.
Why even call yourself a communist at that point?
they also said
I vehemently support U.S military aid to Israel as they are a state for the Jewish people to have self determination. Self-determination of every nation and every people is vital in the struggle against Imperialism. The USSR supported Israel. What’s more communist than the USSR?
columbus apologia
The Native American Genocide is misleading in virtually every respect and pushed by leftoids/liberals who seek to undermine American exceptionalism and indoctrinate our children.
I am a Columbus Communist.
and in another tweet:
source: Goodbye, Columbus Day | PragerU presented by Steven Crowder
lmao imagine being one of a dozen people in the entire US who’ve genuinely fallen for the HazBol psy op only to get doxxed and lose your gf and your job
a psyop by someone who hates the patsocs to make them look bad
they don’t need any help with that
“I hid that I was a huge bigot from my girlfriend, so she left me. This is so unfair to me”
Typical selfish lib
And doesn’t even get that the character his name comes from is one of the only ones that actually cares about those from lower classes and actually has one of them (a former smuggler) as his right hand man (Davos). Sorry this is a bit of a tangent but I get a bit angry at how people just completely miss what their favourite character is actually like in a lot of media.
Eh Davos was cool but Stannis and most of his fanbase were usually pretty cringe, especially the guys who kept bleating “Stannis the mannis” all the time
I always thought Renley cared way more about the commoners than his brother
I love Stannis’ character and especially his lines like this one that’s related to what I was talking about:
"Then rise again, Davos Seaworth, and rise as Lord of the Rainwood, Admiral of the Narrow Sea, and Hand of the King."
For a moment Davos was too stunned to move. I woke this morning in his dungeon. "Your Grace, you cannot I am not fit man to be a King's Hand."
"There is no man fitter." Stannis sheathed Lightbringer, gave Davos his hand, and pulled him to his feet.
"I am lowborn,' Davos reminded him. 'An up jumped smuggler. your lords will never obey me."
"Then we will make new lords."
Yes, he’s a Lord in feudalism, but he tries to actually do what he thinks his “duty” is and help “his” people and that is more than can be said for most of the highborn in the books