This is partially inspired by @UsedJavelin’s thread about Seven Samurai.
I watched a lot of the Western “film canon” when I was younger, and lately I’ve just been craving some good “artistic” movie content. But I don’t trust the :reddit-logo: crowd nor the letterboxd nerds for serious recommendations, so I turn the question to my comrades
The Bicycle Thief, 1948 directed by Vittorio De Sica is such an incredibly slice-of-life that it practically brings me to tears.
La Terra Trema, another '48 italian classic, is a bit slower but also very good.
it’s not even my favourite film but every time I watch Shawshank Redemption I think “man, that’s a good film.”
the devil rides out is a pretty funny movie by accident.
There is one character who is so stupid none of the other characters ever bother explaining anything to him and just knock him out instead. Also it’s hilariously English at one point they let a satanist wizard in the house because he’s a gentleman who turned up in a rolls royce and after a failed hypnosis attempt they get the butler to ask him to leave which he does. To repeat at one point in the movie the villain is defeated by the butler politely asking him to leave