Japan is like if you combined 1950s white America with one of Ted’s nightmares :a-guy:
It’s very depressing
There are absurd amounts of Indians coming here for undergraduate only to fail to find any good job after graduating and having to work a minimum wage life of retail, fast food, Uber, and Doordash while being saddled with dozens of thousands of student debt
Also, I’m not exaggerating when I say literally more than 50% of the Ubers I’ve ridden in were driven by said Indian international students or adult immigrants who used to be engineers, doctors, nurses, accountants, etc. from all over Asia (Middle East, South, South East) who can’t find any job because Canada is infamous for not recognizing foreign certifications/education/credentials
It’s disgusting how ready people are to exploit their vulnerability too. Colleges and universities make most of their money by tricking promising international families a degree for only triple the amount they charge domestically and there’s a cottage industry of slum lords and business tyrants ready to prey on the students because they don’t speak english and don’t know their rights. There was a house in a suburb of Toronto where they found 25 students living!
Cringe Norwegians actually wanting to move to the USA.
It’s funny how US Americans think everyone wants to move here but with so many countries saying “Canada” and not “USA”, it’s pretty clear to me everyone knows the US sucks and is racist af; and while Canada might be much better at least folks know it’s more welcoming.
From my experience growing up in Canada and talking to foreigners, we’re not more welcoming or less racist but there are definitely less hate crimes and shootings
And what’s up with Icelanders wanting to go to Denmark? I thought they kinda disliked Danes?
It’s actually funny how US Americans think everyone wants to move here but with so many countries saying “Canada” and not “USA”,
If the answers to the survey skew more educated, it might be that Canada is a much easier immigration target for people with degrees. There’s a long processing period, but if you have training in certain fields Canada gives an automatic permenant residency with a 5 year path to citizenship, the best you can do with the US is get an employer to sponsor a temporary visa, lol. I dont think we can seperate a much gentler immigration system from the responses. Honestly for people the points system applies to, they’d probably make double the wage in the US, and the employer would provide healthcare, but good luck finding an employer willing to sponsor a visa.
This map is totally fake, it says “according to Google search data”. Google searches are not a replacement for an actual poll. They’re literally worthless.
I think it’s somewhat accurate
Why would anybody Google "how to move to <X> if they’re not interested in moving to <X>?
Do they always google it in English? Did the person who made this consider other languages? Or other phrasings? Or how Google search stats are calculated? Or reasons why someone wouldn’t Google that? Or access to the internet based on location, class, etc? Or whether someone would even type that in if they knew they will never be able to leave where they’re at or never able to get a visa? I want to know if the Google searches from any given country are representative of the population, or if it’s the most labor aristocratic demographics of every country, people who are inculcated with western propaganda and want to be able to make more money by moving to a western country, for example.
Not really that weird. Japan has very popular popculture music/anime,games. Plus a lot of people that are really into it are younger and a have a romanticised view of it. For better or worse a lot of people think the USA is pretty cool for various reasons (overlooking the bad stuff) same goes for Japan just on a smaller scale. Mind you people are more critical of the US these days.
people should be more critical of japan too.
you can’t even live together before marriage without being shamed.
there are “no foreigners allowed” signs at tons of businesses.
people are expected to work themselves to death.
loneliness is more of an epidemic there than anywhere else on earth.
suicide is sky high.
not enough people have kids to replace the population because life is so terrible.
the culture is extremely sexist and misogynist, similar to 1950s America.
major historical denialism about past atrocities.
it’s just an extremely collectively-damaged mass psychology going on there.
Japan has tons of problems. Im very well aware of that. Its basically a conservative one party state and lets not even talk about work culture. With that said I dont think we will see people be more critical of Japan as long as it stays “mostly” peaceful/non interventionist and as long as the Nation stays stable. (There might very well be instability in Japans future) Simply put as long as Japan doesnt cause problems for other people outside their borders most people wont care how fucked up Japan really is.
Same with South Korea, the UK, Italy, etc. Any country with solid entertainment media will have this effect. China is sort of on a good path with TikTok and Genshin Impact.
it feels reductive to say that appreciating a country’s history and culture is weird because they have a shitty government tbh. i like the architecture, the woodcuts and traditional paintings, a lot of the movies, etc, doesn’t mean i endore the LDP or the whole ethnostate thing
nah not just a shitty government. a pretty fucked up culture that people in most countries would see as fascistic if they were forced to live under it and didn’t grow up with it.
its obviously true that there are a ton of shitty things about japan. that doesnt mean that high and low is a bad movie, or that hokusai was a bad artist, or whatever. if you find a culture out there that doesnt have shitty elements please let me know because as far as im aware they don’t exist and i am going to continue to enjoy art produced by those cultures because i don’t want my life to be dour and joyless.
enjoy it by all means! i enjoyed avatar, doesn’t mean i still don’t say Death To America every day of my life.