they are also liking and retweeting Maupin and Hinkle, we have people on this site that are members of this party wtf is going on, did they get captured by patsocs ?
they liked a tweet from account named “SpaceLaRouche” this week :data-laughing:
how do they not see maupin as anything other than a massive liability?
the man has negative charisma, is a laughingstock for writing a book about breadtube libs trying to kill him, and has outstanding SA accusations against him
and that’s ignoring his politics
Feds, reactionary Boomers, Lack of theory, Dogmatism, White People, Politics as a means of self-actualization, Opportunism
Be it only one or several of these factors, most Western leftist parties have something like this.
The important thing to remember is that there is no political left in america. We’re the shadows on the wall of Plato’s cave
Hot take, a political left in the US is as pointless as it is impossible. Leftists in the US should only be doing community organizing around political education, community self defense, and mutual aid. Any engagement with the political superstructure in the US is a massive waste of resources.I know this goes against Lenin, but we’re not in 1910s Russia.
Yep. All we have is vain engagement with the superstructure and the only actual work I’ve seen being done on the material base is usually just charity work with lofty ideals. The fact that small church communities are dancing circles around us in their ability to take over local government and actually change policy speaks volumes to the impotence of the left in american politics. “The left” is more like a t-shirt brand here than an actual political movement. I’ve started adopting the rule that anyone publicly talking about leftism probably isn’t serious about it and its filtered out a lot of bullshit
Eight whole people! And so diverse, too!
Aren’t these people just some random dipshits trying to hijack the PCUSA moniker?
At least that’s what I’ve heard