It’s -10f but the wind chill makes it around -30f and it’s blowing hard. I tried to leave the hospital earlier and the elevators had frozen so I walked to the ground floor with a herd of other people
warm up dammit :guts-rage:
northwest asia stay winning. we had our first snow of the winter yesterday. it was like 1cm of wet sluch that melted within minutes. it’s currently 4C outside.
but seriously our winters have become pathetic. they never were very serious, but it barely freezes anymore. which means a ton of pests survive when they’re supposed to die, so ecosystem malfunctioning is going well.
-21 here, -32 wind chill. The temp is dropping by a couple degrees every hour in my apartment even with the thermostat on max. Luckily I’ve got a lot of blankets.
Two more months until this wretched season comes to an end :sadness-abysmal:
Oh man, where I live it 's 42 degrees Celsius (108f) and there’s a giant wildlife nearby. I understand your frustration but in a different way .