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Ohhh features a transgender character you can MEET and INTERACT with? Like a zoo exhibit? :jokerfied:
Token trans characters being shoved into franchises as a means of excusing casual bigotry would be a really funny direction for things to go.
Ironically this will make conservatives mald and complain about the game.
It’s the same reaction as there was to gay people but fifteen years behind every time. This is because they think due to Trans people being accepted by cis gay communities earliest and therefore being in the whole lgbtq angle makes it ALSO something based in who you want to fuck instead of who you want to be. They don’t see Trans women as women, they see them as a New Gay Type and they just don’t see Trans men at all. Gender binary brain limits these people into thinking that gender expression is always inherently tied to sexual desires.
Tldr: transphobes are perverts
Partly there, it’s patriarchy.
Men viewed as giving up their patriarchal dominance is viewed as threatening to patriarchy, whereas women gaining patriarchal dominance is viewed as a positive thing because they’re trying to gain patriarchal power. This is why the focus was primarily on gay men rather than lesbians back in the day, and it’s why the focus is on transwomen more than transmen today. The transwomen are viewed as giving up patriarchal power, and that’s a threat to people with patriarchal power that want to maintain patriarchy, it causes a visceral emotional reaction in them.
The reactions to the two look so similar because they have exactly the same reasons.
I got carried away writing and decided to boil my post down to be a post people wont scroll over, but yeah, that was in the first draft. On ancient Greece lesbian sex wasn’t even considered sex cause there wasn’t a dude involved where there was super weird rules about how to be homo but no homo.
There’s also just the absolute fucking laziness involved in not understanding that wanting to change you gender or how you express it can have very little sexual inspiration. It’s like my dad who I can recall saying when I was too young to clap back “Why do gay guys act like women if they want to attract dudes who like men?”. Which both indicates that my dad would only fuck a dude if it was a full Tom of Finland drawing and just the fundamental misunderstanding that people may express themselves in non sexual ways. This is especially weird because straight dude fashion is the most aesexual garm possible
Funnily enough, I feel like it is actually completely backwards- they feel sneering scorn, hate or lust towards transwomen but the concept of transmen causes them profound, existential anxiety
I actually think the reaction to trans people has gone backwards. In the 50s 60s it was “War Hero and athlete now a woman, what a stunner the pretty little lady is isn’t she lads!?” Which was, sexist, and a bit creepy, and not exactly body positive. But a positive portrayal for the time and accepting of their gender at least. Look like a woman, do all the artifice of being a woman, you’re a woman of course what the fuck else would you be?
The bigotry seems to track with the removal of artifice from gender performance in favour of naturalist essentialism from the 1920s on (corsets are wrong and constricting, and so are wide skirts with pockets even though both are practical for the lives women actually lived. Just look like the ideal form already why don’t you, or get surgery if you don’t, and we’ll judge you for that too!) and then accelerating in the post-60s era.
I’m not saying that the women liberation movements of the 60s caused this, (they were, mostly, good and cool and more of that please) but we can trace modern TERF anti-trans bigotry to that time, specifically a group of Lesbian Separatists and adjacent groups with a biological essentialist view of womanhood, ironically based around the ability to bear children. It’s now merged with alt-right chuddery, which aside from occasional swings of trans panic mostly ignored trans people in favour of standard gay bashing until the 2000s.
inb4 she’s the only person who sides with the goblins, who are inexplicably the bad guys for wanting the full value of their labour
Yeah uh and they have Jewish characters too but uh,
:british-maw: they simply cannot stop naming kids Jameson O’Carbomb and Ni Hao Ma and Ivan Kalashnikov and Blacko Spearman :agony-minion:
I get the ‘sir’ thing but does the name Ryan have any meaning that might be going over my head here?
Or is it just “le man name for le female lol lol lol bazinga?”
I feel like this is a really dumb question but just making sure im not missing something shitty.
Sirona is a Celtic / old Irish name, as is Ryan. Like, i’m not defending their hamfisted fuckery but a little reading goes a long way.
In Celtic polytheism, Sirona was a goddess worshipped predominantly in East Central Gaul and along the Danubian limes. A healing deity, she was associated with healing springs; her attributes were snakes and eggs.
:warren-snake-green: :trans-egg:
yeah, it’s a generally male name, and especially combined with the first name is pretty shitty