I wear a mask but I’m basically the only one I know. And the people I live with don’t wear one at all so I am 100% confident my wearing it is literally pointless.
I see some people outside with masks but it’s those disposable/surgical ones that we know don’t do shit against covid. At that point just don’t wear one lol. I don’t know even if N95 is good enough now but it’s the one I wear.
Still mask up whenever I got shopping anywhere. I don’t intend to ever stop quite honestly.
Edit: I’m pretty lax about masking at restaurants and other social events though to be honest.
I’ve never felt it was wise to place my safety in the consensus of the general public, or even my chuddish family for that matter. This goes both ways of course, I was arrested for exploding firecrackers in a welding-gloved hand and laughing my ass off.
My S.O. and I are old and high risk for death and the more I learn about long covid the more I’m convinced that it’s literally a death sentence for us. We mask up, don’t go out and even order our meager groceries for delivery now.
One of those “if your friend jumped off a cliff” conundrums.
We mask up, don’t go out and even order our meager groceries for delivery now.
If everyone did this for two months the world would be cured of the OG strain and no variants would’ve ever evolved.
ITT: indoor spaces while you’re eating don’t count :blob-no-thoughts:
:bern-disgust: :disgost: :visible-disgust: :bern-disgust: :disgost: :visible-disgust: :bern-disgust: :disgost: :visible-disgust: :bern-disgust: :disgost: :visible-disgust:
I’ll be honest: I don’t. Mainly cuz I’ve just given up hope that this is gonna be under control anytime in the foreseeable future. I honestly think it’s the main reason for most people: Fatigue and hopelessness, as opposed to outright anti-mask hostility.
I’m autistic, so feeling something on my face did legitimately bother me, but I only stopped wearing it a few months ago. I was more willing to put up with the discomfort when I had a semblance of hope that there was some sort of light at the end of the tunnel, but eventually just threw up my hands when it became clear this is how it’s gonna be indefinitely. So my current plan can be best summed up as “Vaxxed and Unrelaxed”: Get new boosters whenever they come out, hope luck is on my side, and pray for some sort of miracle.