It was a cute movie. Not sure why it’s bombing.
It’s a movie about making a movie that’s also an action movie
People don’t like that
The Last Action Hero taught me that
Movies about making movies are usually just navel gazing.
In related news:
Hollywood seems very convinced that people want to watch thousands of movies about making movies. They somehow convinced themselves that the movie business is the most interesting thing in the world.
There was already a movie about a stunt driver getting romantically involved with a woman. It’s called Drive
is that the one where he goes through a selection of marvel and star wars weapons or some shit in a fight scene
Tbh ever since they stopped showing ads for movies on TV, the only way I find out about them is through obviously fake PR buzz bullshit that I’ve trained myself to ignore.
I think people are just very specific about what movies they go to see and usually its built around some sort of “event” whether manufactured or organic. Even that Sydney Sweeney rom com that did good had buzz because people couldn’t stop talking about Sweeney’s boobs ending wokeness. marketers should have claimed gosling was ending wokeness or something
I mostly just watch movies at home