TERFs: Feminists that for whatever reason will defend traditional gender roles to their last breath.
If all trans people really were diddlers, why would they wait until a kid is trans to diddle them? This is just “video games cause violence all over again!”. And forcing surgery on children? Are you deaf or did you just plug your ears when we were explaining bodily autonomy?
ha ha this fucking lunatic became an “ex liberal” blogger because of vaccines. pay no mind.
Also, your final comment to that one hyperactive keyboard warrior:
The “reasonable discussion” you wish to have is if certain people should be treated as equal humans in society.
:chavez-salute: :cat-trans:
best reply to these people is actually “LMAO die mad, terf”, but i still appreciate your effort
TIL that “children” is a valid word for a group of people that’s 100% consenting adults.
I’m learning lots of English today!