House: What kind of infectious disease causes pulminary embalismes, reduced lung capacity, high grade fevers, muscle fatigue, and doesn’t appear on any our tests.
Foreman: Any number of influenzas or lung infections. Why are we wasting our time, treat her symptoms, keep her in isolation, and wait for the disease to run it’s course.
Cameron: I agree, nothing presents this as out of the ordinary with these symptoms.
House: But there’s one new symptom. Complete loss of smell and taste.
I could picture this perfectly lmao
House: Foreman, run a CT scan. If there’s brain damage caused by the lack of oxygen we need to know about it now. Chase, here’s a book on all known viral infections. Start with the letter A and let’s hope it’s in the beginning of the alphabet. And Cameron, call Fort Detrick in Maryland. Better send them blood samples too.
Cameron: Fort Detrick the military base? She’s never been in the army.
House: I know, but this disease has to have come from somewhere. Fort Detrick houses some of the world’s most deadliest diseases. In case we need to go to war with Russia. I know, but nobody told them the Cold War is over.
Cameron: But why me?
House: Because you’re an immunoligist. And because soldiers like pretty girls. See if you can offer them a date. Let’s go people.
I’m on a rewatch now. It’s a bit repetitive, but the slop is good. And season one has an anti-billionaire arc.
[EXTERIOR: Fort Detrick, Maryland. AFTERNOON.]
I wish there was an episode of The Shield where Vic Mackey went to rob the Armenian COVID Train
“Stop using ivermectin as lube, it’s not helping your disease”