All his companies are state subsidized non profits
is it buyer’s remorse that compels him to constantly talk about what a huge piece of shit the site is?
Say what you will, but I did something monumentally stupid
World’s richest man can’t summon up the self-confidence not to end his awkward brag with a “lol” like a nervous 16 year old testing the waters with a crush
Didn’t Carnegie and Vanderbilt (or some other steel guy) used to send each other deliberately shitty gifts? Like one of them was a teetotaler and received entire barrels of expensive whisky and the other was some kind of conservationist and received taxidermined animals or some shit.
Apart from the lucky few that manage to grift their startups to Google/Meta/MS etc for a few billions each everyone knows you only really get rich on the stock market, forcing your own company to buy back shares using your own company’s profits.
The whole “and he became rich because he made a very profitably business” is at best a fairy tale of the 50s.