A really interesting channel in general. The guy has been in an American maximum security prison since age 14 and he smuggles out videos of the various meals he’s given along with his supplemental commissary purchases. Watching a fair number of them I don’t think I’ve seen a meal which has enough calories let alone nutrition for an adult. Usually they include one or two spoonfuls of each dish. A lot of the meals are like two pieces of bread and an expired bag of crisps.
since 14
I remember reading that the same companies that make prison meals make school lunches. And sometimes leftovers are reused in prison lol
The guy has been in an American maximum security prison since age 14
:shrek-pixel-despair: I don’t care what he did nobody should be in prison longer than like ten years and especially not for teenage shit ever
edit: edited out my liberalism
I think he originally went in on an armed robbery charge or something similar, then had to fight in prison and kept stacking up additional charges. He talks about it in at least one of the videos.
It’s a fake, it would have been easy to find him if he were actually in prison. They can match up the tray he got from which day it was and then cross-reference the prisoners serving long sentences…presto. In one of them he got a “boss tray” which is prison slang for food that’s above average. Very easy to send such an out of the ordinary tray to the suspected leaker’s cell and watch it appear on Youtube. Then you’ve caught him.
Ah, so, just so you know, this channel is a fake. The creator is a prison guard at the facility and he makes these videos out of whole cloth.
Many commenters who are used to prison call his bullshit out all the time. Where’s the noise, prison is not a quiet place. Plus, how’s he have a phone in prison? He got outed on After Prison Show, another channel, quite a while back.
He never actually eats the food, either. Because why would he? He can just go home and eat there.
If he was for real, he would have been hunted down and found out a long time ago. Prisons publish their menus, and it would have been easy to find him by just looking at what was served on which day, and yes prison administrators do watch Youtube prison channels.
But now we have to answer the question of why would a prison guard pretend to be a prisoner. Internet clout?
It was a while back but IIRC he’s part of an improv comedy troupe on another channel. He made up that shit about being in prison since 14 to get sympathy from gullible people. A commenter called him out and gave a link to the other channel and sure enough, it’s his voice. I guess it’s his way of internet fame? You can dig down in the comments if you like, the video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9lHXKAuskg and there are a couple of others on After Prison Show, search for aps Bob
After Prison Show is great, the host is super entertaining and has a ton of great stories. Eventually he ran out of material and had to retire his million subscriber channel. Total respect for him for doing that though.