:geordi-no: Maths is Genetic, breed math-children
:geordi-yes: Teaching things in school in addition to Flag, Eagle, Freedom
A robust and well funded education system is never the cause of a well educated population. Academic skills originate from forehead size and eyelid shape, obviously.
Let’s humour this and pretend it’s something you can do. As a math person, trust me you don’t want to breed more of us. Ypu’ll just get a population of annoying pedants all suffering from a very specific type of anxiety.
:kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare: :kubrick-stare:
Fuck, we bred the wrong type of pedant
Or… you could educate your populace, for once?
I think Shinzo Abe is pretty tight with some folks that are working in this space. Anyone heard from him recently?