are move trailers comment sections about people thinking the movie is “woke” normally this bad. I saw the trailer on my YouTube front page, and scrolled down to comments which was a mistake.
I think I’ve seen this one before
I remember watching 10 minutes of that movie when it came out, and getting bored. What’s it got to do with Peter Pan here?
Fascists: We are the ubermensch that will purge this world of dageneration.
Also Fascists: [black person exists in fictional media] :NOOOOO: :wojak-nooo: :powercry-1: :powercry-2: :cheems:
Disney can make the most banal retread of the original YA novel and people will still lose their minds.
I am very excited to hear what QAnon does with a story about a bunch of Forever-Children living on an island together.
Weird that these people keep wanting to return to tradition but instead of watching the old movies, they keep seething over new stuff
We literally have a peter pan movie with robin williams and good ol’ white people, hollywood has made so many movies with white people it’d take a lifetime to watch them all.
It’s a 4chan op. I saw it earlier today and it was like this all the way down the page.