Black Ops zombies was very weird. I understand JFK, Nixon, and Castro because they are all easily identifiable with the Cold War to the teenage audience of 2013. But then they have Robert McNamara? DoD Sec and former Ford Exec as one of the playable characters. Who knows the name McNamara and who else can recognize them by face? Ho Chi Minh would have worked better, but they definitely could not have him fight alongside Americans and retain DoD funding. Were they too cowardly to have Khrushchev? It was about the Cold War and there wasn’t a Russian, that’s weird, especially since there was so much Space Race stuff in that game. Zhukov they could have gotten away with, it was a game about killing Nazis. Zhukov was the Nazi fighter and in American discourse Soviets get a pass for killing Nazis. Mao would of course be too based as well.
Consider that the main cast of the Nazi Zombies had a Nazi scientist and an Imperial Japanese soldier.
Anyways CoD zombies was really fun for the time and I really enjoyed the Soviet space base episode. In hindsight it’s very funny that “Soviet Russia” level literally started in black and white, but you could kill zombies with a fucking sickle so that’s worth it.
They reused models from the main campaign, i think Nixon was the only original model in this campaign.
Bold of you to assume COD players play the campaign.
You got a point though, but the only thing I remember from that campaign was “WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN MASON.”
Nixon hearing a loud noise and immediately going into “They’re hunting me for sport!” mode will never stop being funny.
I’m still mad I got McNamara 80% of the time I played.
Also the Nixon lines were just futurama references which was chefs kiss
This should have been the entire game :fidel-bat: :jfk-gaming:
This is what the elites fear