I tend to keep a tab to the BBC news page open on my work computer to have something innocuous to switch to if my boss walks over. The China Derangement syndrome is getting really bad. :xi-god-emperor:
UPDATE - I made myself some tea :comfy:
a second sugar cube has struck the teacups
Looking forward to western leaders crowding their various desks and lecterns with energy drink cans and starbuck’s cups to demonstrate their dominance.
We must close the caffeinated beverage gap! :strangelove:
To be fair, when I drink an extra cup of tea in the morning it does feel like a power play
Could this be the thing that finally causes the Chinese economy to collapse?
It’s pretty common to have two tea cups like that at business and other meetings, one is for tea and one is for warm water. Like I’ve seen CPC meetings where everyone has two cups, and smaller meetings will usually always have two cups for everyone.
Like the reason everyone else has one cup at the big Congress is probably becuase there are like 3000 people there and it would be a pain in the ass to refill both tea and hot water.