I can’t keep up with the culture war acronyms
wow that sure does sound like something a reasonable person should be terrified about :pain:
The acronym itself is very much an HR term, so I think the intention is, in addition to red meat for the base, to work people up based on animus against HR and middle management. But of course unless you have a master’s degree in one of like 3 fields or are a middle manager yourself you’ve probably never heard the acronym.
It’s so fucking crazy how it would just take the dems nominating one semi likeable person to run and they can’t even do that.
The purpose of the Democrats is to be a pawl. And yes I had to google that. You know how on a gear system you have this ratchet mechanism sometimes that prevents the gear from moving backwards by clamping down the notches? That’s the Dems purpose.
Republicans get more stuff going for the bourgeoisie which the Dems are a part of. Then the Dems, having nothing to offer on top of that, just prevent stuff from moving left and eroding their privilege.
We want to study CRT while open carrying god dammit
It’s most likely due to conservative latino and black people not being completely stupid as to what banning CRT/DEI is actually about.
According to the 2020 census, 57.7% of Florida is white non-hispanic, so ~60%.
Partly based Florida???