German tweet
Some Europeans are seemingly incapable of not being patronizing and racist. It seems automatic/natural in a way that even Americans seem to have to do more intentionally
This is one of the many consequences of Stalin stopping at Berlin
I am coming around to the idea that after 1953 the SED should have taken Brecht’s advice and actually dissolved the German people and elected another.
Tarantino-esque alt-history movie idea: In the early 1950s, a CIA psywar operator of Native American descent travels around Canada, tracking down the most sociopathic teachers and priests working in the residential school system, and offers them a chance to redeem themselves by going to West Germany and taking jobs at the de-Germanification centres which the CIA is setting up. Those who refuse are, of course, violently dismembered. (This only happens onscreen once, during the pre-title scene.) Title: “Zavala’s Zeroes”. Everyone dies at the end.
Interesting note: East Germany was famous for its Red Westerns (or particularly “Osterns”) which often portrayed the perspective of the natives.
:GDR: :ussr-cry:
Haven’t gotten around to watching one myself but it seems there’s enough of a cult following for people to compile lists , at least.
We also have color on our faces, but it’s blue, not red
the emoji names are bizarre, impossible to remember them all. This spices up the website, making the variety far fresher as not everyone uses the same emotes.
They apparently got some traditional face paint done upon arriving, which is red, but I have no idea what he actually means by blue on their face.
Maybe he’s a big Blue Man Group fan?
The first few Tintin books were… interesting. The very first story was just anti-Soviet propaganda :michael-laugh:
They also came out in the 1920s and 30s
Yh the Tintin comics and cartoons in the Congo are honestly depraved. Like the shamelessness or obliviousness amazes me.
Remember first time I saw the episode on TV and even as a kid I was like WTF :mao-wtf: :what-the-hell:
Yh it became a famous belgian cartoon. Like its sickening I thought I was losing my mind when I saw it come on tv in a cafe one day.