The other day someone was showing me a video on youtube and we sat in silence for 15 seconds while an unskippable ad for a pharmaceutical drug played
I always forget some people don’t have adverts blocked and every time this happens I wonder why they hate themselves
I installed some sort of ad blocker since I was in like middle school, perhaps earlier, and was always perplexed when my teachers didn’t despite having to use youtube often for class lol
Honestly, I’m starting to want to work for IT in schools now so I can pre-install firefox with ublock for the whole system because it seems like everyone only knows google chrome and that’s just sad
Yeah I use firefox with ublock and ghostery for personal stuff and Edge for University stuff because the school site messes up with blockers, lame.
Because they are conditioned to trust the tech and the massive corporations that run them lest those spooky Russians or Chinese get in through malware and spooky 3rd party browser ad-ons.
Do you know where they’ve interned before? Most CS majors I knew that never had an adblocker did it because they worked at a company like LinkedIn, Google, Meta, etc. that depended on ad revenue so they started feeling like it was “wrong” to use one lmao
Yes, they’ve said that it felt weird to use an adblocker while their company depends on ad revenue and they didn’t want to “hurt themselves”
CS majors and software engineers working at high profile tech companies like the ones I listed and many more generally put a lot of their self worth and sense of identity with what employer they work at because of the prestige and social status. Hence the massive bootlicking and thinking their company’s interests are the same as theirs
that level of idealism and ingroup identification likely forms the foundations for most movements, the sad thing is that those people chose to place their faith in glorified ad companies
honestly believe that the real reason engineers get taken out behind the shed and shot after 30 is because that is when they tend to grow out of this type of stupidness
Imagine a McDonald’s employee thinking “eh, I’m really more of a Wendy’s kinda guy, I don’t ever really wear McDonalds” and then feeling bad about it and ordering a big Mac on his day off. As though it’s some sort of failing of the employee if they’re company makes tons of money on everybody except for them.
I’m running a PiHole and I tunnel into it when I’m not on my home network for DNS level ad blocking on the go.
you can do this without the tunneling using apps like PersonalDNSFilter (get it on f-droid)
it uses the VPN API but runs locally on the phone, and has ad blocklists built in
:yea: the first thing i do when my “friends” ask me to fix their pc is install ublock