Many people who “love animals” just like their presence but do not care for their wellbeing.
sounds like my roommate and her six month old dachshund, who one of her hookups referred to as ‘the most spoiled, petulant dog I’ve ever seen in my life’ and added that its behavior was a reflection of the owner. I didn’t like the dude at all but when she told me he said that to her, suddenly I had a desire to become his best friend
Id love to see how much of the cats genociding birds is corporate propaganda
For real, that thread was so fucked up.
Keep your fluffy murderballs inside the house. This means your cat and your deranged sex toys.
damn cats being outdoors. totally to blame for loss of our beloved, endemic charismatic megafauna. not at all because of insecticide treated homes/lawns/trees destroying their foodwebs, introduced landscaple plant species displacing natives for more of the same, introduced/novel diseases complexes, urbanization fragmenting ecosystems and migratory corridors, etc. etc. etc.
it’s absolutely due to the companion animal having outdoor access for it’s dumps between naps to pick off the slow-pokes and ill sited nests.
(ps - spay/neuter your pets)