PatSocs are really mad at baristas huh
They really thought the cute one at that one coffee shop had a thing for them, but they didn’t understand customer service smiles. :frothingfash: ever since.
I think they get a very small amount of positive feedback, so when treating baristas as like some kind of minority fifth columnists and considering most of that feedback they get is most likely various “go fuck yourselves, idiots” they’re just repeating the one thing that a tiny amount of conservative dipshits might have agreed with them on at some point.
For as much as these people talk about the “homeless problem”, they sure like the concept of throwing people out of their jobs and homes.
believing that your local starbucks workers are the vanguard of fascism is the most :cracker: take i’ve heard in a while
Imagine robot union leaders. Never getting tired of organizing
yeah ok lifestylist, go larp somewhere else