Because if there’s one thing I love more than advertisements, it’s advertisements with fucking wojaks.
There’s something so dystopian about corporations making memes in a way I can’t articulate
The franchise wars of 2023 started when Jimmy Johns called Wendy’s cringe and Wendy’s responded with a soyjak, eventually leading to the nuclear exchange between the USA and China in 2024 :very-smart:
This shot straight to the top of the list of my favorite world-ending scenarios.
Didn’t Snow Crash have such militant pizza delivery that it lead to dystopia?
:theory-gary: Taco Bell eventually won the franchise wars.
It’s really disgusting the way that ads have steadily evolved to be as hard to tell apart from regular content as possible until you’ve already started to read them. It’s like the snake with the bait tail.
A comrade worked at Jimmy John’s for a while, and he told me the most annoying part was teenagers walking passed the front, opening the door, sniffing loudly, and shouting “FREE SMELLS!”
Now that’s all I can think about when Jimmy John’s comes up.
Lmao “rookie”
Put me in, coach!