I bet it’s the same problem tumblr and pornhub had. They’re realizing they’ve got a bunch of illegal pornography on their computers and they would rather they didn’t.
this would require hiring people to moderate so it’s impossible
Stricter moderation would mean an onlyfans style verification involving IDs and consent forms. Which would be admitting that Reddit and Imgur are part porn sites. With Reddit going public, this is the last thing investors would want. They are investing in a social media style link aggregator, not onlyfans free (at least that’s what they want to portray publicly).
In short the whole Reddit going public is fucking everything up.
2257, baby! Reddit and imgur are both Secondary providers Producers as are their users. Strange the DOJ has never cared. :thinkin-lenin:
I mean a lot of Reddit porn is no longer a secondary provider thing, lots of people create Reddit accounts to post nude images of themselves and nothing else. The images are either hosted on Reddit themselves or Imgur.
Wait, sorry, it’s Secondary Producer, not provider. Secondary Producer is actually a legal term under 2257 that indicates their role as a host obligates them to keep certain identification on hand of all models pictured in the porn. The same goes for the people who share the images, even if they’re not the creators of the image. It’s a fucked law that’s gone in an out of limbo since it’s inception.
I mean yes, Reddit is going public for investors, Imgur was invented as a Reddit image host in the beginning. And Reddit is full of illegal porn. Verification on porn subs is done by moderators that don’t even work for Reddit, all it requires is a nude photo with the date and subreddit name on a piece of paper for most. There is no actual age or person verification. All it will take it another Anderson Cooper style jailbait investigation to tank their investment.
isn’t porn the primary purpose of imgur, this is tumblr all over again
Nowadays you have to provide yours and the model’s ID cards, show that she signed a porn consent form, then register to pay tax on any money they pay you.
I mean that should be the bare minimum and instituted when the internet first got popular in the 90s. Its actually absurd that it took until the 2020s for websites to implement that. Porn websites dug their own grave here by trying to be super lax on the rules and only enforcing them when third parties forced them too. It is an extremely flimsy business model to run websites without proper verification and I’m surprised it lasted this long.
Previously everyone was anonymous on the internet.
This is going away, and indeed has already gone away on the Chinese internet (intranet). All apps require real-name verification and if you get banned, you stay banned. Forever.
The new trend of having to show ID for anything is going to suck.
Well there goes a fundamental internet utility I’ve taken for granted for years.
Welp, there goes a ton of hextube emotes then