Sike, I still like it
I saw Fogerty play in Golden Gate Park and he mentioned something about it; ‘I know we play ‘born on the Bayou’, but I was actually born right over there in Berkeley’. That was almost all the talking he did during the entire set. He was going through the CCR songs like he was scared that the record company was going to get the rights back at any second.
“Here’s one from my latest album… but don’t worry, we’ll get right back to the Creedence after that!”
See also: Alabama 3 are actually British (Sopranos theme still goes hard tho)
I don’t get it what does this have to do with CCR?
They play swamp rock and sing about living in the bayou but the band is from the San Francisco Bay area.
I love credence clearwater revival, such a great southern band that make music about living in the bayou!
They’re actually Californian
Oh well then I don’t like them at all
This schtick bothers me a lot less when Primus does it, and I can’t figure out why.
Creedence Califauxnian Revulsion :kelly:
Ruined my day when I first heard this about Creedence. Also blew my mind when I found out Elton John didn’t write his own lyrics lol
At least Elton John had a prolonged partnership with a lyricist whom he had good chemistry with and seemed to like on a personal level, rather than just working with whoever the record company sends him, which I get the impression is what happens with Garth Brooks.
Caring about whether a band writes their own songs is very boomer, and mostly came about because of mechanical royalties in the United States.
If the artist themself is a boomer then I think judging them by ‘the standards of their day’ is at least partially valid.