Lennon once described himself as a pacifist and anarchist; on February 6, 2016, he tweeted, “AnCap is the only logical result of the non aggression [principle]. I am a pacifist so therefore an anarchist.”
T minus 10 months before his hard drives are confiscated
Lmao even though I knew he’s got to be middle aged, I still thought this must be some teenage phase. The man is fully 48 years old.
AnCap Jaden Smith
Imagine there’s no pronouns
It isn’t hard to do
Big talk from a guy with a woke letter in his name.
Is being the son of a Beatle not garnering him enough attention? Does he need to sprinkle on a little low-effort “anti-woke” grift to spice things up? That’s the energy I’m getting.
The least surprising thing of all time. John Lennon and Yoko Ono were both terrible people so it should come as no surprise that they abused their kids to an unbelievable degree.
That shit messes with your head forever.
I know all about John and why he was a piece of shit, what has Yoko done? Don’t doubt you for a second, just haven’t heard much about her
She deliberately withheld a ton of stuff from Julian, I think she even destroyed some stuff rather than hand it over. She also fought him in court so he wouldn’t inherit. Julian is over it for what that’s worth and it’s been decades.
At the very least Yoko knew about a lot of the terrible shit John did and was seemingly fine with it.