How much of this is because of rise of streaming? idk
I was pleasantly surprised when QE2’s funeral failed to break the record for funeral attended by most heads of state.
Your legacy stands to this day, Tito.
makes you wish for Donald Trump to brag about how he gets the best ratings
:tromp: “He was just coronated? Wow. I didn’t know that. You are telling me now for the first time. He led an amazing life. What else can you say. Whether you agreed or not, he was an amazing man who led an amazing life. I am actually happy and/or sad to hear that. I am happy and/or sad to hear that.”
surprised it’s that high tbh
he is very unpopular
Its still a giant highly publicized spectacle. People will have watched just to hate on it… except that its incredibly fucking boring. I’m more than content picking through the memes after the fact. Its not like this was the Super Bowl, with a bunch of live music in between an undetermined outcome full of high intensity athleticism.
Dude took the carriage tour of the cathedral and got to wave around some shiny rocks in front of a decidedly unshiny rock. After that, it was about as exciting as any other church service.
How much of this is because of rise of streaming? idk
The monarchy must adapt, Charles must become a streamer
it’s wild to me that so many people chose to watch an old man in a bathrobe sit in a chair for hours. seems like the type of thing you could find live most days without looking.