Oat milk is just like 1984
It’s not oppressive in the same sense as typical violence, and certainly not as uncomfortable, but :graeber: did document what knowing deep down that what you do is lecherous and useless does to your psyche. Prognosis not good.
The coward who made this has included just one of the authors’ first names purely to avoid using the word “Dickian”.
attempting to compare reality to fictional dystopia always falls short, even when you shore it up with three other fictional dystopias
the truth is stranger than fiction
Out of all of them Brave New World really nails it, the only one of the four that feels like a proper commentary on the way I live in the here and now.
Kafka comes in at second, if only because it is cathartic to read his stuff
Kafka gets really chilling when you realize all that bureaucratic oppression was done with nothing but a paper and pencil
No phones
No computers
No databases
No internet
No neural networks
Now they have all those things.