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Crazy how liberals can’t seem to find the full footage. Almost like its been… censored. :freeze-peach:
The footage has been censored because CHINA don’t want you to know that Xi was actually driving that tank and he ran over tiny man then he backed up making a “beep beep beep” sound comically and kept running over him AGAIN AND AGAIN. Oh my god the carnage
Libs will claim with a straight face that “people were run over again and again with tanks until they were gooified and then washed into storm drains”
Literal child’s understanding of the human body
What a ridiculous way to get rid of bodies, too. Slow, messy, about as unpleasant as possible for the people doing it, and all because…?
Always love that episode of S1 of Blowback, where theyre talking about the coups and revolutions in the middle east and how one deposed dude was just run over with a truck again and again.
Pretty sure that was Qasim, the Free Officer revolutionary president of Iraq. They filmed his bullet riddled corpse for a movie. CW for his wikipedia, the image is not super graphic that they use, but horrid tragic shit.
The soviets and Mongolia tried to get revenge, armed the Kurds, etc. But the US had given Saddam a list of Communists and most of the loyalists in the military died with Qasim in his final stand. He really was as good and based as Mossadegh
So intensely censored that it shows up top of the list when you search “tank man full video” on youtube. damn you, dastardly CCP :angery:
American anticommunism doesn’t need explicit state censorship, because the censorship occurs in the minds of liberals. There’s a thing about this happening in 1984 but if course Orwell didn’t realize which side he was predicting the future of.
i feel like in america the corporations might not explicitly be part of the government but they are part of the state
They would’ve have fucking murdered him on live TV in America lol you fucking removed
I went down a Wikihole and there were multiple ‘Kent States’ just in the 60s as well.
I can’t find it now but 2020/chapo era reddit had one meme video of US police cars just ramming/running over protesters/suspects.
Anyway you can easily google this stuff like
‘He just floored it’: Detroit police SUV plows through protesters, flings people who climbed on hood
Love the comments that are like “Just saw the full video for the first time. I could have sworn he got crushed! Isn’t that crazy??” Bruh you fell for an op.
they’re also dropping bans for the mildest pushback on the official narrative
This is a modern, more ironic form of the “soviet talks with an American abouy propaganda” joke, where the punchline is that Americans are so thoroughly propagandized that they don’t even know it’s propaganda at all, they think it’s just fact and knowledge and they are very smart cookies.
They’re trying to make claims about censorship and human rights violations, but are so steeped in lazy acceptance of liberal-friendly narratives that they don’t even recognize the materials they are using are selectively-edited propaganda aimed squarely at them.
I know none of this is news to folks here, I just run into this all thr time in discussions with liberals. My favorite one is when I point to Cuban literacy programs and they say that literacy in Cuba is only for reading government propaganda books, which is literally a (obviously, laughably false) lie from the CIA shortly after the revolution, and of course not one targeting Cubans in Cuba.
My favorite one is when I point to Cuban literacy programs and they say that literacy in Cuba is only for reading government propaganda books
A recent wild take I heard on this is that they only have really high literacy now because Castro killed all the illiterate ppl. He was so confidently incorrect too and kept trying to argue that it was absolute fact.
Literacy rate went from ~76% to ~90% between 1960-1961
24% of the population was killed by Castro, roughly 1.7M excess deaths
Population increased by ~150k between 1960-1961
This necessitates ~1.85M excess births
The numbers make sense if Castro knocked up ~1.85 million cuban women in that one year!
:speech-r: :frothingfash:
I think its also like, if you’re some “political realist” dickhead like most of reddit surely is, there are winners and losers on the international stage, and if your enemies are morally eviler than you, your actions and position as winner is morally just.
So the effort to go beyond propaganda is pretty much self-defeating, to these people there isnt a point anyways because they will still oppose their enemies, except this time they feel less good about it? Bad deal for them.