this is the funniest thing i’ve read in ages
HOT TAKE: Go ahead, idiots… I’m sure a few trillion more on DoD welfare will make all the difference, lol. Just borrow the money from… China? The more heavily the US becomes indebted, the greater the chance it will eventually be kicked out of the global capitalist system. It took Russia over 25 years to pay off a measly $70 billion in foreign debts accrued by the USSR… all for the privilege of being part of the capitalist financial system.
love the traditional wailing and pants shitting of the defense industry’s customary money dance
Michael Hirsh is wonderfully breathless and gullible
Just one more military contract bro, I swear it goes to upgrading weaponry bro, not in my pocket bro, please bro it’s a different kind of upgrade bro please bro
Yet they keep just following orders to climb that public 6 figure pension to executive private board room pipeline.
Earlier this year, CIA Director Bill Burns said the United States believes that Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered his military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027. This was so, Burns said, despite the likelihood that Xi was “surprised and unsettled” by the “very poor performance” of the Russian military in Ukraine.
2027 is a date that never appears in PRC sources, only white ones. america would like a war before 2025-2027 because after that the PLA advantage would be completely overwhelming
The classic Pentagon-China gambit: never bother translating anything the Chinese write or say and instead just make up whatever fits today’s narrative about China.