I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, democracy simply doesn’t work
Sir u/Spez is leading a national revolution against the landed gentry… rumours are the Republic of Reddit will be declared in a couple of days and that equality, liberty and freedom will ripple across the internet in this anti-feudal bourgeois movement.
Elon Musk ass shit
Liberal democracy, where people can vote but public information is controlled by an unelected and highly invested party (the rich) doesn’t work. Democracy without that level of systemic interference is much more viable.
Users being able to vote out mods will be horrible for plenty subreddits.
lmao, they’re scared! They can’t just kick out all the mods without a huge user revolt, so they want to give it the patina of public support. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they ran the votes on their own platform in a way that they could falsify the result.
This sounds familiar :thonk:
Edit: lmao at the monarch whining about “landed gentry” come on dude