While I certainly dont want anyone taking their own life, if something “bad” happened to Walsh, I would 100p go buy some champagne.
While I certainly dont want anyone taking their own life
lots of people should follow their leader and the rest of us would be far better off if they did.
Critical support for a YouTuber
woke AI
Gonna convince chuds that chatgpt will turn their kids gay so Congress immediately bans it
AHhhhhhh We should make Chat GPT right a bunch of papers citing that ChatGPT turns kids in to bicurious giraffe people who want to marry communist dogs and do gay drugs in warehouses with russian welfare queens, then send a huge packet of them to some chud with a packet of also ChatGPT “Concerned Parent” letters written “In the style of a very credulous Klansmen who has concerns about his childrens use of ChatGPT”
troop exploder :data-laughing:
God, only the most lame people in the world go “Well my number is bigger than your number therefore I’m a winner!”
I’d have the same disdain for “Ratio”, but at least that is short and snappy.
Many years ago I was arguing with some woman on FB who decided that because she had a much larger friends list that meant she was correct. “That’s not how this works…? How many of those people would pick you up from the airport?”