Desire of identity groups for recognition is a threat to liberalism? Thats his reasoning!? Stupidest lib thinker got even dumber
The demand for recognition, Fukuyama says, is the “master concept” that explains all the contemporary dissatisfactions with the global liberal order: Vladimir Putin, Osama bin Laden, Xi Jinping, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, gay marriage, isis, Brexit, resurgent European nationalisms, anti-immigration political movements, campus identity politics, and the election of Donald Trump. It also explains the Protestant Reformation, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, Chinese Communism, the civil-rights movement, the women’s movement, multiculturalism, and the thought of Luther, Rousseau, Kant, Nietzsche, Freud, and Simone de Beauvoir.
That is… quite a list
Article here for free brainworms
That is the most insane list i have ever seen. Good things and bad things are the same, akshually. Also, he’s claiming to be a liberal and in defense of liberalism, yet puts the French Revolution which was a liberal revolution on the list? He doesn’t even know actual history of these events, so no wonder he thinks history can end. Totally context free and smooth, a perfectly aerodynamic take
I had a teacher that condemned the french revolution because it was violent.
Liberals are even willing to shit on their own past, because who’s gonna challenge them anyway?
I’ll be generous and give 1/10 for at least getting the first half of the first paragraph right. Russian capitalism was not working and if you remember many posts from good old @granit you’ll remember things are only changing now because of the necessary restructuring for the war economy.
The Russian leadership was forced to change not out of good will or anything, but because there was no other alternative and while they are not moving to socialism or even Chinese economic model they’re nevertheless distancing from western neoliberalism, Russian Ministry of Finance BS handling of inflation notwithstanding.
You may call the forced divorce/decoupling or whatever between Russian and western economies a pretty big blessing in disguise.
Historically low unemployment, de-dolarization, even stronger economic ties with other emerging countries, OPEC+ reigns supreme etc, I see very few downsides since 2022. None of this would’ve been achieved given the pre-war status quo.
I don’t hate libs because they’re dumb and wrong, I hate them because they are so smug in their wrongness.
Thanks for the reminder lol