Since this is at the top of active, take notes on how the alt-right radicalizes casuals. We could stand to learn a thing or two on how they reached casual right-wingers to help us with radicalizing liberals. :P
Imagine looking around and being excited for the future.
I get that it’s the admin’s jobs to hope post, but this shit feels so ingenuine and hollow.
Imagine seeing hell world and laying down and accepting things as is. You see doom and gloom, I see an opportunity to help others who are suffering more than myself. Volunteer within your local community, if possible. Just because things are shit doesn’t mean we can’t help to improve the material conditions of others. O7
Imagine understanding climate change is already out of control and no amount of policy can stop it, then going “I can fix it”
I mean, I’d love to be so stupid. Sound awesome.
Imagine being a liberal who sees others suffering and does nothing to help regardless of the impending doom of climate change. I’d love to be blissfully ignorant to the suffering of others. Sounds awesome.
Edit: I am once again asking to be shown on the doll where my positive attitude hurts you to the point of attacking the intelligence of a comrade instead of making a substantive argument.
Honestly I legitimately have hope, it probably helps that I just like change but I am legitimately looking forward to the future, america is dying, once it does there isn’t really one path forward, china may fill in, become the next global super power. It could also go terribly and end in the rise of global fascism… but there’s no surefire way of knowing anything but that things will change, and thats better than living like this in a neoliberal hell for 60 years.
Death to Utopia! Death to faith! Death to love! Death to hope! thunders the twentieth century in salvos of fire and in the rumbling of guns.
Surrender, you pathetic dreamer. Here I am, your long awaited twentieth century, your ‘future.’
No, replies the unhumbled optimist: You, you are only the present.
Man that’s such a good quote, I wrote it into my journal lmao.
am i a trot now
There are more ways to contribute than the things I listed. Volunteer at food banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, or homeless shelters. Help host a blood drive. Donate blood. Donate plasma. Help build a mutual aid network amongst your peers or even within this community. Radicalize your social circles. Radicalize liberals online. Post donation links of comrades in need in the mutual aid community. There are a slew of other things that can be done to improve the material conditions of others or pushing forward in our goal that don’t require the things I initially listed.
I’m extremely sorry that things are that way for you and I understand how those circumstance might make you feel shit but I don’t see how pushing against people trying to be motivational is going to help you out in the end. Motivating the troops and mobilising people is absolutely essential to your conditions improving because it is these people that will actually achieve it. Why would you fight back against that? It is strategically absurd to do so.
Trying to motivate people is great! Calling unmotivated people “cowards” not so much.
Some people respond to positive reinforcement while others respond to negative. It is necessary to approach from all angles and leftists should be aware that is what is occurring when people are doing this.
Doomers tend to be realists.
Interesting way to say you’ll lay down and accept whatever they throw at you. But okay.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I said. Edit: /s in case you take this literally
You can’t have all realist doomers, you need enough wild cards to get that WAAAGH field going and bend reality.
Show me on the doll where it hurts you that I have motivation and the attitude to push for change and help others instead of rolling over and accepting defeat. :P
It may not solve the looming extinction event but it will reduce suffering in the short-term and that’s better than nothing.
Anyone’s whose solution involves buying a gun is already a doomer.
Being prepared for the worst case scenario can’t hurt. Never said it was a solution to our current issues, but it’s something we should all do to prepare for the inevitable societal collapse in case we see it in our lifetime. :)
Being a doomer is accepting it and not trying to improve the material conditions of others in the meantime. It’s the “we’re all fucked and there is no point in trying if society will just collapse in on itself anyway” attitude that makes someone a doomer, not being prepared for that inevitable societal collapse. We all have a moral imperative to reduce suffering where possible and recognizing that it will collapse and fuck a LOT of people in the process isn’t inherently doomer. Our actions are what separate the doomers from the bloomers. Roll over or fight back.