The bill bans any “medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person,” as well as changing one’s gender in official documents and public records.
The dissolution of the Soviet Union and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Russia is a far-right anti-lgbt country?
Wow. I didn’t know that. You’re telling me now for the first time
Why I want the far right shitheads in Ukraine and Russia to wipe each other out
Wagner vs Aztov was literally nazi on nazi.
Imagine having a dog in that Shipshow of a war.
Wagner getting wiped out would be cool and good, but acting like their existence makes the outcome of the war indifferent or mutual destruction preferable is ridiculous. If Russia is defeated by NATO, do you know who is next? Even neoliberals admit that China is the greater foe. If China is defeated, what happens to Cuba?
Oh yeah Finland and Sweden joining and Ukraine actually having a chances to join nato really slowed nato expansion. All things that would not have happened or were at least decades aways from happening.
Vlad is an idiot.
And ya, the mutual destruction of literally nazis and literally nazis by means of “denazification” is not only good its fucking hilarious.
Nobody tell him about Palestine’s, Libya’s, Iraq’s, Syria’s, Afghanistan’s, and Cambodia’s trans laws
It would seem the Duma has escaped the denazification efforts
Mfkers going on about how they have to defend against the “progressive west”, happily ignorant that all these brainworms are imported from the west
Fking Putin was ranting about “cancel culture” at the start of this damn thing