What are they even saying?
crazy AI fashion
Gloves with too many fingers?
the whole thing seem completely unserious
Because the whole thing is incredibly overrated.
And the grifters and griftees are so convinced about it that it’s being badly applied everywhere because it has the vague promise of taking humans out of the equation for some jobs. It can’t, but that isn’t going to stop capitalists from trying and making our lives downright miserable
It might, journalists trapped in SEO-optimization hell are already getting replaced by machines that can pump out incoherent tutorials and listicles for pennies. And the more incorrect the better since it means more ad revenue when people return to the article thinking they did something wrong.
A bunch of insufferable computer touchers spent their retirement savings on massively overpriced nvidia chips and are desperate to find a way to profit from them. If mining buttcoin isn’t going to do it, at least they can flood every search query with jibberish results interspersed with ads.
welll general purpose AI is just a bad idea
machine learning is a great tool for some tasks and needs to be custom designed for each specialised task
in large part this is because as a trope AI characters in stories are just people and this is because they are written by writers who view them as characters. Data is a person because he is written as a person
Machine learning is AI though. General purpose AI is a pipe dream, unless you’re talking about foundation models being general purpose.
yeah machine learing is AI but inteligence in the context of computer science refers to the ability to carry out complex tasks. Nothing less nothing more
it can’t think it can’t feel that’s the artificial part
They’ve always been this way, it’s just leaking out of the tech world now. I remember when everything had to be gamified, mobile, social, big data, cloud, AR, internet of things, VR, crypto, and now AI. Of those, only mobile and cloud ever went anywhere (social hype was after Facebook already won), some produced some nice leftover toys for hobbyists, some accomplished and meant nothing, and crypto has the dubious distinction of providing literal negative value.
They think it’s whatever you want it to be. It’s grifts and speculation all the way down. It’s jingling keys in front of moronic investors. I have no idea how many of them genuinely believe the bullshit they’re peddling.
If there’s one thing I learned about the “business world”, it’s that investors are the dumbest, most gullible people in the world who will believe the most insane shit imaginable if you promise that it’ll make infinite money. You could probably make millions by promising Theranos 2 and saying “it’s different now cause we have AI”. I’m not even joking.
It’s complete insanity, it’s one big casino and completely removed from reality.
It’s a bunch of ten year old boys playing space.