I dont agree with communism but id say im pretty close to that(socialist prob) but this is such a bruh moment.
I think people would just lose motivation. I lived in ireland for 5 years and they basically had ubi and people wouldnt get jobs they would just sit in lawnchairs in parks and then buy a some food, alcohol and a new iphone out of it. Still no job, house or anything else. I think food and basic housing should be a right but if you want a proper phone, a nice car (aka stuff) you should work for it. Income should be “capped” with tax. If a ceo earns 10 or 100 times what a cashier earns its not a problem compared to todaus world where a ceo earns a million times more than a cashier. And all that tax money could go to housing, food for the poor, infrastructure, free public transport so people dont get cut off from better paying jobs, etc. I think it would be a pretty solid system if implemented right but im just a random teenager so i have no say.
You seem pretty open minded, I think you would find a couple of these videos interesting, by a youtuber called Second Thought if you’ve heard of them.
Here he directly addresses the claim that people won’t work under communism : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9CFP_58mBc
From the sounds of it I could probably safely call you a Social Democrat, he has a video on that topic here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRq3pl17C8M
Our goal is not equality or UBI, it’s to first meet everyone’s basic needs and then help everyone reach their own personal potential. If people own their own labor they are more likely to be motivated to work. Ireland still has a dictatorship at work and that’s why people take the excuse to not work. Marx’s original goal was to make work life’s prime want. If through socialist culture people are encouraged to learn as much as they can about whatever they want people will take up jobs they really like. No brilliant artist will be forced to work a sucky fast food job because their art isn’t profitable. No one will have to be a doctor or lawyer and hate it but continue because it pays. People don’t like to not work. They will at least put labor in to hobbies, games, and community once most things are automated. Even then people can work if they want. There will and have indeed be/en bonuses for and luxuries for people who work extra hard in socialist countries too. Capitalism hinders people’s desire to work by exploiting them for capital and commodifying everything. If people can help themselves and their community by working harder they will. “No innovation under socialism” is a common anti-communist argument and can easily be debunked by the fact that the USSR went from peasant backwater to industrial superpower in a few decades without colonialism, and they went on to send the first satellite, dog, man, and woman to space, along with first crafts to the moon and mars. They also invented the internet (which they unfortunately did not see the potential of) and mobile phones.
Was trying to ascertain how much they knew, if they can’t even answer if they’re a soc dem I’d have to send them to like second thought lol
I live in NH. It’s fucked here. Split between rich arrogant snobs that act like they are down for equality but only make moves via Facebook profile overlays and Nazis, and conservatives that are just wrecklessly psychopaths.
It’s hell for anyone that doesn’t fit those two.
We have little Nazi fucks dropping banners on the highway and surrounding gay cafes and theathers calling people paedophiles.
NH is a shit hole of ignorance and nobody does anything at all about it. Both sides hate if anyone trys to point out the obvious they try to hide from.
Some trashy pro trump career criminal steals from my family and cops just laugh at me when I ask for help.
It’s really fucking up my view of America as a whole…
And it’s not just Nazis and dumb politics… I know too many career criminals that get ahead while good kids suffer for living with basic human decency.
An embarrassing number of things get me way too worked up, but right at the top of the list is saying healthcare shouldn’t be accessible to all. To say that by phrasing your response with an absolute obscene level of racism is a whole new level. But I suppose we shouldn’t expect anything less from the footsoldiers of fascism.
It shouldn’t be surprising that a couple days after this they made this post.
For anyone who isn’t familiar, this is a play on the fourteen words. (ETA: white supremacist shit)
Has anyone noticed the weird surge in pro-slavery sentiment? I’ve seen people, including black propel, defending slavery recently and it’s mind blowing! They claim that enslaved people learned work ethic and important life skills, that some slave owners treated the enslaved like family. These same arguments are being made about the concentration camps during the holocaust too!
Ron DeSuckMyDick in Florida signed off on legislation that changed the way slavery is talked about in Florida schools. That’s where a lot of this seems to have started.