This covid shit has shown me that I’d rather do an absolute dog shit, mind numbing job from home than have to be around other people. Currently taking some IT classes so I can just sale my car and work from home.
Commuting in a car is awful. Sorry you’ve gotta go thru that shit.
I spend no less than 2 hours a day commuting back and forth. If traffic is bad, that becomes nearly 3 hours. I feel nauseous as fuck anytime I spend that much time driving. Take the same fucking route each day, sightsee the same concrete jungle each day, contend with the same zombified mass of people driving their vehicles everyday, and in between you get to see a wreck here and there, though lately even those look the same because every fucking car looks the same.
In college I used a bus all the time and never minded it. Now I live in a much much larger city but with worse public transit and have to drive everywhere. Shitposting on twitter is way harder when you’re going 65 down the highway.
I miss commuting by bus. In the morning I wouldn’t go on my phone, sometimes wouldn’t even listen to music, I’d just sit and look out the window and fucking chill. Also on my commute back home I’d always check out new music. I haven’t discovered any new music in months. 😢
But yeah dude, commuting by car sucks major ass.