Read the article next time. It’s a weird trend for parents to try and connect with their socially self isolated adult children by socially isolating themselves.
It’s a little extreme sure, but sweet in a way.
And what about Occupied Korean society may be causing these social breakdowns for their children? Is it the alienation they feel from some of the most oppressive capitalism on earth?
eh, japan’s the same way and it’s a totally different country, so i think there’s nothing to see here. it’s just one of those things, you know.
Also totally not happening in the U.S right now, ignore any news articles pointing out NEETism being on the rise, they’re commie fake news
Read the article next time.
: “That’ll show OP, he didn’t even read the article that he posted”
It’s a weird trend for parents to try and connect with their socially self isolated adult children by socially isolating themselves.
It’s a little extreme sure, but sweet in a way.
Imagine how privileged you have to be to say this. Seems like you never grew any sort of empathy for people with mental health issues otherwise you’d know how unhelpful it would be for your parents to roleplay your depression using money and time that could have went to helping you.
Imagine reading the article, and being so that you think “yes this is a wholesome good news story, all is well with society, silly OP mustn’t have even read it.”
Bet this person reads those news articles about 8 year olds crowd raising funds to pay off other 8 year olds lunch debts and thinks it’s “kind of sweet in a way”
A “trend” of clueless parents socially isolating and trying to give themselves depression to “understand” their depressed socially isolated children
In what universe is this “sweet”??? It’s willful blindness and self centered coping designed specifically to ignore the glaring and obvious problem that causes their children to withdraw from society; CAPITALISM
At least south Koreans are choosing to be locked in a cell
Also it’s like the most inane solution to the problem at hand I can think of.
Problem statement: our society is so sick it has developed our offspring into socially withdrawn shut-ins.
Solution A: address the issues in our society to try affect the material conditions of our youth’s existence and their experiences of community/work/recreation, to try make things actually better for them and give them a society worth engaging with.
Solution B: pay money to a private corporation to have a fucking weekend’s themed getaway of a skin deep simulation of our children’s life experience, so we can develop a shred of empathy for our own children (!?!). With this new found empathy we will then do…. Nothing really.
South Korea is interesting because its a window into what every capitalist government is currently trying to accomplish within their own country
uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Korea from the genocidal American empire
The only thing connecting each tiny room at the Happiness Factory to the outside world is a feeding hole in the door.
If I wrote this in my novel I would be teased for being too corny, but to Occupied Korea this is just an average day.
I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to be a shut-in and instead of anyone helping you materially they sell your parents a ticket to experience a superficial facsimile of your depression.
"In Korea, parents often express their love and feelings through practical actions and roles rather than verbal expressions,” Prof Jeong says.
“Parents financing their children’s tuition fees through hard work is a typical example of a Confucian culture that emphasises responsibility."
Thank you sociology Prof Jeong Go-woon, see, this “loneliness” stuff is because Koreans are just a different race with a unique racial culture.
South Korea has some of the highest suicide rates in the world and last year, its government unveiled a five year plan aiming to address this.
Ministers announced there would be state-funded mental health check-ups for people aged 20-34 every two years.
Wow! 2.5 mental health checkups in 5 years! Why didn’t I think of that?
In Japan, the first wave of young people isolating themselves, in the 1990s, has led to a demographic of middle-aged people dependent on their elderly parents.
More orientalism that is used in place of actual materialist analysis to subdue people. “Those dang Japanese and Good Koreans work too hard, it’s in their blood”
The BBC should be beaten to death with a stick before it hurts more people.