It makes me feel like a fucking idiot every time. I never see a fucking adult trip and fall like I do, and don’t tell me it’s OK or whatever, please—I want to know if it’s normal.
Inner ear things. Some of it is age related.
Eyes having different “vision” with glasses that can’t completely correct the worst eye. Makes depth perception ever so slightly off, very noticeable for me when there’s low light, yellow tinged lighting or dark colored things on other dark colored things.
No. I trip and fall all the time myself, have since I was a very young child from my hoarder’s collection of diseases.
Sometimes its neurological or the result of other diseases/medications, in my case its a very simple poor gait issue I didn’t get addressed until I fell down some stairs 3yrs ago and fucked up my leg. Most people walk heel to toe, I walked toe to heel, there’s a stability difference. Basically, I was a stealth toe walker. and nothing says no fun like learning how you’re supposed to walk in your 30s. Along with seeing a doctor about this before you fall and get super hurt like me I’d suggest checking out how you walk.
I fall more than a lot of other people. I’m clumsy and have bad spacial awareness. I walk into the coffee table and such. I think it’s dyspraxia as I’m autistic, it can be embarrassing when you fall like a bag of spuds
I trip and fall all the time, but that’s because I am paraplegic. Start with your normal doctor.