It makes me feel like a fucking idiot every time. I never see a fucking adult trip and fall like I do, and don’t tell me it’s OK or whatever, please—I want to know if it’s normal.
Um, no. If you’re having a problem with trolling you need to talk to a doctor about balance and mobility issues.
No that is not normal. If you trip on something (which happens from time to time) you should be able to place your other foot forward to regain your balance and keep yourself from falling.
this is called pratfallmaxxing
take the dick van dyke pill
(seriously though see a doctor and make sure nothing’s up take care of yourself)
Aside from the recommendations of seeing a doctor, coordination issues can also be the result of dehydration. If I notice I’m stumbling later in the day it’s almost always the result of not drinking water
Only normal if you’re a cute anime girl in a sad, sad world.