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What’s passive v active?
Who? I think a good starting point would be people that qualify for hospice care (projected <6 months to live), and the requirements could be scaled from there. I do think people with a diminished quality of life should also qualify, but I have no idea where to start ruling who qualifies and who doesn’t. Mental illnesses is also incredibly murky too.
Thank you.
In that case I think it should really come down to what the patient wants. I can’t imagine there would be a whole lot of providers that are okay with placing the drugs on the table but would draw the line at injecting the drugs themselves.
I think it would also be a good idea to have all euthanasia requests be required to be reviewed by at least two providers from separate practices, or something like that. I’m just trying to imagine ways to prevent people like political dissidents or minorities or the homeless from being euthanized by providers that are well connected to politicians.
There’s probably better words to describe that difference but english is my 3rd language.
Also I love seeing phrases like this cause they always come from people whom I never would have guessed didn’t speak English as a first language.
Yes. Go in. Sign a consent form. Wait a month or two. Sign a second consent form. Get your handful of pills. Done.
This makes it a little bit too easy, no?
Should people be allowed to kill themselves just whenever they feel like it? Cause if that’s your prerogative then I’m interested in hearing your rational behind it. Not tryna argue you’re wrong, btw, just picking your brain.
But for me I think just a few months is waaaaay too short of a time. People can have the desire to kill themselves when they receive terrible news, loss of a loved one, a bad medical diagnosis, etc. but then after a year be back on their feet. Not all tragedies last forever, but they may last longer than just a few months.
People with major depressive disorder can have symptoms that last for 12-18 months if they do not seek any kind of treatment, but they may not be suicidal when not actively depressed. Should they be allowed to kill themselves when they are in the midst of an episode?
Should people be allowed to kill themselves just whenever they feel like it?
Yes, absolutely. Bodily autonomy is bodily autonomy. Some counseling wouldn’t be a bad idea before it’s actually done, but no power, legal or otherwise, ought to be able to deny the single truly inalienable right to die.
Should there be an age limit? What kind of waiting period should there be, if any? Should people be required to have a mental status exam to make sure they are of sound mind? Should you still be allowed to euthanize yourself if you have kids, or others that depend on you?
Very depressing read by a psychiatrist. It says pretty much everything I think about the subject, but in a much more eloquent way. (Summary: I’m very pro assisted-suicide)
Oh wow haven’t read SSC in a long time. Back then I was going down the whole “rationality” hole with SSC, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Gwern (?) etc etc. I got off that train when they started leading me down Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris and others. Tread carefully is all I’d say. These people are very persuasive but there’s a reason they are the only ones in their fields saying what they are saying.
Tread carefully is good advice. There’s a lot of good and valuable material down that way, and it’s deeply and thoroughly mixed with quite a lot of nonsensical or outright harmful ideas. The community fell into a common liberal trap where left-wing views aren’t worth considering because any Serious Person already knows markets are perfect, while fascist views are inoffensive because any Serious Person won’t be persuaded by them.
Also don’t listen to anything Yudkowsky has to say about quantum physics.
Yeah I used to be very into the whole ‘rationality’ thing, and I still think e.g. Effective Altruism can be good and is definitely worth studying in detail, but Scott is one of those folks who’s this close and then just doesn’t quite connect the dots. That said, Meditations on Moloch is what (eventually) led to me becoming left wing so I have a massive soft spot for him, despite him being a massive lib.
The one thing in his favour, politically, is that he’s upfront about his libbishness rather than hiding behind a ‘yeah I want <good things> but we can’t have them now’.
The whole SSC and LW crowd is a wretched hive of idealism and pseudoscience bullshit as it relates to human biodiversity. The larger issue with SA et al is that you’ll get nuanced posts like this, but seemingly only applying to certain subsets of the population. There’s just a complete refusal to take a more comprehensive macro view on these things because you’re too hung up on IQ distinctions, and why Europe beat everyone else.
I used to be heavily into the evo psych stuff, but eventually the dog whistling became too much.