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It’s a bodily autonomy issue just like abortion. It may make me uncomfortable, it can possibly be abused, but ultimately who am I to say that you can’t fucking off yourself
Dr Kevorkian did nothing wrong
Suicide for terminally-ill people should be normalized. If someone suffers and wants out, then let them leave. However, mental illness is more complicated, I have contemplated just “disappearing” several times now, and some days, I sure would swallow a cyanide pill or something. I perfectly know depression is affecting my judgement, but the scariest thing is this : I can list pretty good and logical reasons for dying and leaving this fucking hellworld. And people have yet to propose opposing arguments. The chances for life to get better are so fucking low at this point, that I’m fairly sure I do not want to prolong this existence; and would prefer to end it, either peacefully or in a revolution.
God that is a horrible topic though.
Will our collective depression be our greatest asset come revolution? Like I look around here & see alot of people who don’t exactly over value their lives. I’d much rather my comrades on the front lines are perfectly willing to die for the cause than some snively “I’ll do anything to make it out alive” fucker who gets a -5 modifier on their roll to oppose becoming a snitch.
Idk just spitballing.
I mean suicide bombers have been used in the past to great effect 🤷♂️ We don’t even need to wave some mystical 50 virgins in the sky - for probably half of Chapos just the promise of not living anymore and a posthumous upbear would be more than enough to self det on some fascists 😎
To any downtrodden FBI agents reading this I promise to upvote & promote your exploits should you choose to self det on your fellow ghouls. You will have a place right next to Dorner in my heart & I will forever defend your courage & Valor. You can turn this around, one good act is all it takes.
Sorry to hear you feel that way sometimes. Of course, I’m sure most of us do. I know I do. What’s really fucked is I have health anxiety, and sometimes my life will be going so shitty that I decide I wouldn’t mind dying, but at the same time I’ll convince myself I have cancer or something and be terrified to die. Sometimes I think my mind just wants to be worried.
assisted suicide, short answer: yes
assisted suicide, long answer: it is a band-aid to solve something that’s made worse by Capitalism: end of life care and debilitating disease.
I kinda disagree, at least in the form in which it’s been imagined and implemented now. I have never really heard of any case of assisted suicide being used due to an alternative being unaffordable. It seems to be specifically an out for people who no matter what will have a horrible experience and are looking at a low quality of life no matter what.
But since it is a hypothetical I agree that, if implemented in capitalism, we’d have to be insanely wary of it being used as a cheaper alternative to end-of-life care. That’s approaching fascism right there.