Vaush bad motorcycle good
*“four wheels bad, two wheels good” * -Fascist orwellian radlib
Reactionaries are paper tigers
-Mao, obviously talking about anti-worker noise polluting fascismobiles that offer no combat advantage against the ownership class.
no v*ushposting
vaush’s beard sucks
I don’t trust anyone else enough to drive a motorcycle. Too many car drivers are stupid, rash, and angry.
People here don’t even understand zipper merging. I had a debate with a friend about it who gets mad at people ‘skipping the line’. So 500m long lane reductions turn into 2km lane reductions because people don’t understand this.
Motorcycles do suck though, I’m not gonna denounce water just because I saw take a sip
It admittedly is funny when carbrains rage at bikers for doing literally the correct most safe shit they can and demand that they instead do ridiculous unsafe shit because that seems more intuitive to their uninformed baby brains
But a lot of stuff that isn’t good makes chuds mad