We won because we killed more civilians is just something else entirely…
Genuinely deserve to be napalmed.
Shows exactly why the US lost. We were so focused on kill ratios that we ignored war crimes (or straight-up encouraged them) and material conditions. Wars aren’t won by whichever side kills more people. That hasn’t been the case in any war, ever. Even if all those people actually were troops (they weren’t), it doesn’t mean anything if you have no objectives to accomplish.
If this fuck didn’t get spat on, he fucking should’ve been.
A videoegame where you get to play as the Viet Cong smoking Amerikkkans would be dope though.
They exist! Made in Vietnam even. The first game, called 7554, is set during the Franco-Vietnamese war, so you shoot French instead. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/7554
But there’s a second game called 300475 in the works covering the actual Vietnam war. The trailer looks dope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZunC-jAD8w
That looks dope as hell! Why did they make the titles of their games a bunch of numbers though?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
The more comments I read on Youtube, Facebook, Reddit and Twitter, the less I sleep and the more I risk a stroke. Idk how you manage going through all that crap
The more you realize it’s just kids and emotionally immature adults having performative cruelty contests the better off you’ll be. In a way, it’s liberating to be a communist in a time like this. No need to constantly puke up, rehash and then consume again the same shitty, edgy, racist or purposefully inciteful bullshit.
All though, I deleted certain social media. Some are just straight up playground telephones with a fascist on the other end. You can probably guess which ones, lol.
Indeed, although it’s their numbers, especially irl, that I find disheartening sometimes. Like, I interact with plenty of decent people too, but reactionaries are always the most outspoken and seen as the most authoritative in the circles I’m in (mostly work related). At the end of the day, their opinions fit in the discourse space allowed by the MSM, so they don’t come across as crazy, and they tend to be more career focused and therefore 1) the impression of work competency carries over in other areas, and 2) they spend less time exploring other areas of life like politics, and they are, like you pointed out, immature adults.
this is my experience too. Our CEO likes to come into any political discussion with his libbrained straight from snl and msnbc programmed opinions and talk over everyone else. Then people either agree or just shut up because it’s not worth losing an income over
Wait, he served in the Vietnam war? And wants a do-over? Oh wait, this actually makes sense, he’s mad that the US lost so he wants to live the fantasy of if they won the war. Based on his replies he just really hates the Vietnamese and doesn’t know that CoD is not, in fact, historically accurate. “Erasing history,” get the fuck out of here.
“We lost the war politically but not casualties.” How to tell people you’ve never read Clausewitz.
I don’t know what that is, but it’s such an American mindset as sad as that is. A lot of people can’t comprehend that the point of war isn’t to completely depopulate a country. People like that dude in the OP think we won in Vietnam because we killed millions of people.
It’s the settler, barbarian mentality. Exclusive to the so-called “civilized world” under whose 500 years of terror unparalleled deprivation, the destruction of entire (actual) civilizations and peoples, and mass slaughter, genocides, and slavery existed across the globe to such an extent as was previously unimaginable.
They should be grateful that the rest of humanity- those who actually embrace humanity- don’t have that same mentality, that the overwhelming majority of humanity does not seek revenge or anything comparable to it, but simply restitution, reparations, independence, and deterrence. Otherwise all of western Europe (except Ireland and certain ethnic enclaves/regions) and the settler-encampments in Isntreal and across the Anglosphere would have long ago been eradicated in their entirety and even then that would not be enough considering the crimes they’ve done and continue to commit.
Even then the causality difference isn’t quite as extreme if you count South Vietnamese army loses. The US always prefers to have it’s puppets take the blunt.