anyways is wh*te people collard greens cultural appropriation?
Southern cuisine is dollar general. I’m sorry but southerners aren’t buying and braising collard greens enough to call it southern cuisine anymore. Possibly they’ve never seen collards in Michigan, I don’t know. But I’ve never seen lutefisk, that doesn’t mean it’s nothern cuisine.
Your cultural cuisine should be the shit you actually eat.
White people greens is just salad.
I had a conversation in college about this once, and the black people there said they felt the shared culinary traditions of the south might be the only way to one day mend the racist divide, so no? I think things are only BAD cultural appropriation when a marginalized culture is being profited off of without any credit or benefit going to the community, but my view could be changed on that if it is wrong.
What do white people in northern suburbs or the Midwest eat?