Here’s how covid can still win…
The best part
g/ Finally, most tellingly: when T was hypoxic, they tried to put him on O2. “He was adamant he didn’t need oxygen.” In my 35 years of practice, I’ve never seen a pt refuse oxygen. It’s crazy, & illustrates who is running the show, which may well be scariest thing I heard. (7/8)
He might be refusing oxygen to appear tough. He’s going to give himself brain damage.
Denying covid is real to own the libs
Getting covid to own the libs
Refusing treatment for covid to own the libs
People really do refuse oxygen all the time. Then they bitch that they are anxious and something is wrong. I tell them their oxygen is low and that feeling will go away with oxygen.
It really does frustrate you. Another is people not clearly able to move insisting on walking all the way to the toilet.
It’s definitely not 23.3%. The 23.3% are for patients who follow their doctor’s advice and stay in the fucking hospital. Not for people who, in spite of being obese 74 year olds overburdened by a job that would slowly eat people half their age, insist on being discharged less than a week after diagnosis, while being on an experimental medication that demands constant supervision, and who are not compliant with treatment at all. Real Jordan Peterson hours.
It seems pretty obvious to me that you can’t compare trump’s care to that of an average person. they’re obviously going to go above and beyond in very possible way
This is what they’re saying in /r/medicine. The VIP effect. Well-known patients actually end up getting worse care because doctors make decisions and prescribe treatments they wouldn’t otherwise.
Mr. President, you beat 4:1 odds in 2016 and you can beat them now!