Blacks often report higher pain intensity than other cultures
Isn’t this code for “they’re faking it”? Holy shit.
What book is this from?
We found the author lmao
Knowing what groups tend to over/state pain is useful
So let me get this straight, you think there are ethnic groups out there as an aggregate that “overstate” pain? You really think that’s a fuckin phenomenon that exists, did I hear you right?
yeah, no, it’s just racism
I give you a hint: Don’t try to find justification for obvious racist propaganda, instead read what is written in the thread and listen to the answers you got. Go read anti racist books and listen to marginalized groups. You are carrying water for unempirical “scientific racism” here, that is still used to this day to decrease the quality of service for plenty of people.
If you want to be taken serious you don’t have to be neutral in themes of racism (which would be better what you do here), but you have to be anti racist.
The problem is we don’t have an objective way to measure pain
No , the problem here is racism. Also: Bullshit “objective measurements”.
Blacks often report higher pain intensity
Black people don’t feel pain
makes for a horrifying revelation of the depth of the impunity they feel when they enact violence and indifference on black bodies
I knew it was bad, but jfc
Black people don’t feel pain
makes for a horrifying revelation of the depth of the impunity they feel when they enact violence and indifference on black bodies
That particular falsehood has roots in America’s history of slavery. From the same racist doctor who decided that slaves fleeing captivity had “drapetomania”:
Dr. Samuel Cartright, for instance, wrote that blacks bore a “[racist slur] disease [making them] insensible to pain when subjected to punishment”
I forgot how the phrase goes “:cruelty: is the intent point” or something. That speaks so loud right now. Thanks for the link.
I came across this post on Reddit initially and one of the comments accompanying the thread pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter lmao
Whites are likely to request pain medication no matter the circumstance. In White mythology, pain medication is seen as sacred and is used in a ritual process called “getting high”
Willing to admit and prone to exaggerate pain as it elevates their status to show others how much their life sucks
Some Whites will reject medical procedures until traditional witchcraft practices such as “homeopathy” and “chicken noodle soup” are tried first
According to White lore, persons with skin tones darker then uncooked pizza dough are subhuman animals. Whites are likely to reject medical attention from such persons and request a similarly melanin-deficient nurse or doctor to treat them
They may ask for your birthday as they believe your whole-ass personality is determined by it according to their sacred calendar
Will ask for the manager
“We need cultural sensitivity training in med school.” One finger on the monkey’s paw curls.
No need for a section on Caucasians, everyone who reads that book is already gonna know how they act.