just came across this comic book article about daggerheart at gen con. I find it interesting that daggerheart is moving away from d20s.
I love d12s. I see this as an absolute win
hell yeah. d12 best dX
Looks interesting but a bit finicky. The 3-page character sheet looks somewhat cumbersome, but it could be okay if all the rules and actions/ability a player can take are on it so that they don’t need to reference anything else.
off hand, my main reservation is how you have to keep track of each d12 as a “hope” die or a “fear” die. I feel like that will be a tad annoying to track/remember, but we’ll see. Since it applies to every roll maybe not.
This looks really interesting. A nice balance of simple mechanics that drive interesting stories.
Huge fan of having a bell curve for most rolls, my main concern is that in combat the random initiative might make it kind of swingy; the initiative system is that if the hope die is higher the players go next, if the fear die is higher the enemies do, for about a 46% chance of enemies going next each turn. So that’s about a 15% chance of players getting three turns in a row- if the game is balanced for quick combats (which seems likely given what we know) that could make a massive difference in how hard a combat is- and in the counter situation, where enemies get three turns in a row (about a 9% chance) an otherwise easy encounter could go very wrong. This is all speculation, of course, but the initiative system being fully random does worry me, since the action economy seems like it would be a major thing in this system